
v-braces5The American Association of Orthodontists recommends an orthodontic evaluation by age 7. A quick and early orthodontic evaluation allows Dr. Ellis to determine the best time to begin treatment for your child or teen. During this visit, Dr. Ellis will examine your child's jaw growth and the adult teeth that are forming, to see if there are any issues present that could damage other teeth or affect your child's development.

Following the evaluation, she will recommend one of the options below:

  • Observation - No treatment for now. Dr. Ellis will see your child for annual exams to monitor teeth eruption.
  • Phase I /Early Treatment - During this phase of treatment, Dr. Ellis will correct bite problems that she feels need to be addressed instead of waiting for all the adult teeth to come in. Generally, treatment consists of limited braces on the adult teeth, and the use of expanders or coaching appliances to prevent thumb sucking and other oral habits. It typically lasts 6-12 months. After Phase I treatment Dr. Ellis will continue to monitor the eruption of your child's permanent teeth.

Dr. Ellis believes in taking a conservative approach to early orthodontic treatment and will only recommend it if she feels it is medically necessary or will help improve your child's self-esteem. Studies indicate that several problems can be fixed later, by age 12. Dr. Ellis will be honest and upfront regarding your child's treatment options.

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